
I turned 40 a couple of weeks ago.  I would have written before now, but there’s been so much going on.  Truthfully, I should do a better job. But I digress…

When I was 20, I thought about what life would be like when I was 40 and I have to say that as I look around me, it’s nothing like what I imagined. But I am happy.  I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter.  We have a cute little house with a new roof and we’re mostly debt free.

There are things I’d like to change and some things I will change myself.  Other things will change on their own and I believe the rest will stay pretty much the same.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing, just reality. 

At 40, I am more convinced than ever that things can and will get better.  I am still convinced that people are good at heart.  But I always watch my back.  I call it pragmatic optimism.

There’s always more to do; more places to go; more people to meet.  I find myself busier these days.  I’ve got a couple of irons in the fire right now that will affect the future that will make me busier still.  I’ll be telling you more about that as they come to fruition…

So to sum up: happy, busy, loved and loving.  Yep, that’s me at 40.


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