Homeschooling Laws in Georgia–REDUX

blahJust a few of days ago, I posted this story about the laws in Georgia as they are on the Georgia Department of Education page.
Turns out that the Governor had JUST signed a new bill into law whereupon all correspondence now goes to the State instead of the to local school district.
As of today (5/9/12), the page has not been updated and there is no mention of any changes.  So I will keep watching to update you on this…


  1. Amanda,

    The GA Department of Education says they're going to update their website mid June.

    We're also allowing everyone to file their 2012/2013 Declaration of Intent for free. 532 of our 3,316 families have already filed their DOIs for the upcoming school year.

    Scott Meadows

  2. Thanks for that info! I know someone will need it!


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