Weight Loss A Go-Go

I started a new weight loss plan about 3 weeks ago.

No definites on how I'm doing because I vowed I wouldn't check the scale again or measure again until February.

I'm going through the Weigh Down program. It's a Christian bibically based plan with the premise of eating only when you're hungry and stopping eating when you're full. Yeah, I know it's a crazy plan and it sounds simple enough but the truth is that it's really hard.

I have no problems admitting that I have a problem with food; when I was in therapy, I realized that I've always used food as a drug - to make me feel better, to give me something to do when I'm bored, etc. My therapist pointed out that after a binge you feel so bad about binging or you feel so physically bad from all the food that you still don't have to think about what it is that IS bothering you.

Truthfully, I don't think too much about what it is that's really bothering me. Given the day, time, situation, etc it could be anything.


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