I need to write

Griffin-NuttellaNo really.  I NEED TO WRITE.

I am going along, living life, and thinking, you know, I need to write something.  The more I write the better I feel.  The better I feel, the more I write.  The more I write, the better my writing is.  The better my writing, the better I feel.  Etc, etc, etc…

But then I think, well, I don’t have anything interesting to say.  Or I think of something quick and funny and just tweet it or Facebook it. When the truth is the more I write, the better I feel, the better I write, the better I feel… lather, rinse, repeat.

Since I last wrote, I potty trained my boy (YES REALLY!) and he celebrated his 3rd birthday.  YES, REALLY!

Here he is after enjoying a snack of Nutella and apple slices.  He really likes Nutella.  He’s really growing up… sigh…