The Bachelor Sucks

I have spent the last six weeks watching the Bachelor. I have been rooting for Melissa since the VERY FIRST SHOW. I thought she was just adorable and I could clearly see that she was the best chick there. So, last night, when bachelor Jason got down on one knee, I was pleased and excited that he was proposing to Melissa.

Then my world crashed to the ground. He broke up with her SEVEN MINUTES later only to make up to the girl he sent home.

What a JERK!!

I had personally gotten a little tired of him crying. I mean, we're all looking for a man who can show some emotions, but at least once a show I was screaming at the television telling Jason to grow a pair and stop crying already!


  1. Love your post. Love it! I couldn't agree more. Jason is a big steaming pile of dog doodoo.

    Melissa is so much better off without him. I actually dated an emotionally stunted (and I use the word loosely...) man and when she said "you've bailed on our relationship and I don't understand why you won't fight for us" I could totally empathize. I found myself yelling at the TV...and then remembered...they can't hear me.

    Can't wait to see the second followup show tonight!


    p.s. when is he ever going to stop bawling?

  2. I love your post it fits perfectly with this new site i just saw


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