Choosing Your Homeschool Curriculum

I’ve mentioned before about how to get started.  Mostly you need to learn some terms, find out how to do it legally, and then start researching.
I did these steps myself.  I read everything I could get my hands on: blogs, books, magazines.  The one thing that tripped me up was choosing my curriculum. 
Some folks – sometimes called “Unschoolers” choose to forgo the curriculum with preschoolers completely and wait until the child is 6 or 7.  But I knew that I needed some sort of formal program to keep me on track.
So I started by reading 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum.  I found this book to be quite helpful in both choosing my style and ultimately my curriculum.  I’ll talk more about what we choose later this month.
Other things you need to start thinking about:
  • Do you want to include your faith? There are a ton of options if you want to homeschool with faith based principles.
  • Do you want a computer option or book option?  Again, there a great many different options depending on which one you choose.
  • How interested are you in determining what your child learns?  Of course, since you’ve chosen this path, you are pretty interested in what your child learns.  But the difference is that some paths will be completely laid out for you and you only have to follow or you create the path and choose the books and determine timing.
  • How much money do you have for this?  It can be a pretty big outlay of cash if you go with some of the full curriculum packages or you can look for free or nearly free sources.


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