One Day More

Tomorrow is Election Day here in the states. While I've not been blatant about my pick - well unless you count the little sign over to the right of my blog page - I will say that I have already voted.

I voted for Barack Obama.

I have felt that Obama would be an excellent president ever since he spoke at the DNC back in 2004. After that, I read his book The Audacity of Hope and confirmed that his views on many subjects - politically, socially - mirror my own.

Even though I am a HUGE political news junkie, I have to admit to fatigue from this election. So with this in mind, I post the following YouTube video for your enjoyment.


  1. I'm sick of the election myself and I don't even live in the States!!! But nevertheless I love that mini-musical!!!!

  2. Hilarious! Thanks for sharing the video.

  3. How sad for you that you drank the Kool-Aid and were taken in by a Marxist-Socialist.


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