How I met my husband, Moo

I met my husband during a long strange day.

My best friend, Kimmy, ultimately got Moo and I together. Kimmy was in the Navy at the time and was transferring from a base in south Georgia to Seattle. Because of this, Kimmy was spending the weekend in the Atlanta area having fun with friends here.

Kimmy had tried to get Moo and I to meet for about 5 years. The first time that I had an opportunity to meet, I was dating Psycho Scott. Psycho Scott was insanely jealous of Kimmy and I decided not to go for a romp with Kimmy and friends. there were some other opportunities for meeting Moo, but for whatever reason, it just didn't happen.

On this particular day, we decided to spend the day at the local renaissance festival. Kimmy left my house (where she was staying for the weekend) and went to get Moo. Having been one of these all day jaunts with Kimmy in the past, I thought it would be a good opportunity to get to know a new guy that I had just started dating.

Then, Kimmy and Moo swung by my house (I had something I had to do before that - I don't remember what) and picked me and my date (soon to be called Second Skin Boy or just Skin boy -I'll explain) up and off we went to the Renn Fest.

The first time I saw Moo, I remember wishing I'd hadn't invited Skin Boy. Second Skin Boy was a very nice guy and I genuinely hope that he did well. However, he was clingy. While I am an affectionate person and like public displays of affection, this guy would not STOP TOUCHING me.

Once at the Renn Fest, I spent most of the day trying to get away from Skin Boy. If he wasn't holding my hand (preventing me from doing anything with that hand), he had his arm around my shoulder or his hand rubbing my back or just holding on to my shirt. He was also picking up some serious vibes between me and Moo and would purposefully STAND BETWEEN us when Moo and I were talking. Moo and I kept casting covert glances at each other all through the day and would talk when in lines or when we went to a local restaurant for dinner.

By the end of the day, I was totally disgusted by Skin Boy and totally infatuated with Moo. I never talked to Skin Boy, but found out that his next love was a large hairy swedish woman.


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