One Day at a Time

Day 3 of my Season of YES

God has given me all I need to overcome any problem or obstacle.

How do you make it through the tough times?  One day at a time.

Dee's Bugaboo Boutique ~ 1 Peter 5 vs.7I tend to lose my sense of humor when I’m scared.  And scared I am right now.  What am I scared of?  A million possibilities and I shouldn’t be thinking of any of them.  Anxiety eats at me like a cancer these days.  And yet, I know it does absolutely no good to worry about what may be. 

So when I feel anxious or start to worry, I start counting my blessings.  They are too numerous to list here and I can come up with hundreds of things to be grateful for.  Perhaps one day, I’ll start a gratitude journal or start posting them.  We’ll see.

I also find ways to make myself smile.  I wander through the funnies on Pinterest or just look for something to read or watch that’s funny.  I think I’ll do that today during quiet time.

IMG_1126[1]On another note, I was enormously productive yesterday.  I got a post done here, I got two posts written for Disney Preparedness, I got the club calendar entered online, and I got the lesson plan for next week put together (it will post next week).  Today?  Not so much.  Except I have been working on a crocheted granny square…


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