Preparedness challenge: Make a Plan

Goal: Understand what puts you at risk from disasters and take steps to lower your risk.
Choose one thing to do this month to become better prepared:
  1. Learn what disasters can happen in your area and decide what you will do in a disaster.
  2. Plan to protect yourself and your family:  Decide on a room in your house that can be your “safe room”. This should be an interior room or closet away from windows and doors. An interior hallway can also work.  Meet with your family and discuss how to prepare and respond to emergencies. Give each person a job and make a plan to work together as a team. If a family member regularly travels for work, discuss how you would respond if they were away from home.  Also talk about lesser emergencies at home like falls, illness and burns. Know where the closest emergency room is. Teach the kids what 911 is for.
  3. Plan what to do if you have to evacuate: Choose two places for your family to meet. One should be right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency, such as a fire. The other should be outside your neighborhood in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate.
  4. Download GEMA’s Ready Georgia mobile phone app for FREE


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